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Moussorgsky – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Leibowitz – The Power Of The Orchestra: A Night On The Bare Mountain · Pictures At An Exhibition
€50,00A1 A Night On Bare Mountain 10:36 Pictures At An Exhibition Orchestrated By – Maurice Ravel A2 Promenade; Gnomus; Promenade; Il Vecchio Castello; Promenade; Tuileries; Bydlo 13:30 B1 Promenade; Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells; Samuel Goldenburg And Schmuyle; The Market Place At Limoges; Catacombs; Con Mortuis In Lingua Mortua; The Hut On Fowl’s Legs; The Great Gate Of Kiev
Mussorgsky – Tchaikovsky – Мусоргский / П. Чайковский – Артуро Тосканини– Картинки С Выставки / Щелкунчик
€22,00Position Title/Credits Duration Картинки С Выставки = Pictures At An Exhibition Composed By – М. Мусоргский* Instrumentation By – М. Равель* A1 Прогулка. 1. Гном A2 Прогулка 2. Старый Замок A3 Прогулка 3. Тюильрийский Сад A4 4. Быдло A5 Прогулка 5. Балет Невылупившихся Птенцов A6 6. Два Еврея, Богатый И Бедный A7 Прогулка 7. Лимож. Рынок A8 8. Катакомбы A9 9. Избушка На Курьих Ножках (Баба-Яга) A10 10. Богатырские Ворота (В Стольном Городе Во Киеве) Щелкунчик. Фрагменты Балета = The Nutcracker Suite Composed By – П. Чайковский* B1 1. Марш […]
Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Antal Dorati – Tableaux D’une Exposition – Une Nuit Sur Le Mont Chauve – Danses Des Esclaves Persanes
€18,00A Tableaux D’une Exposition (orchestration Maurice Ravel) B Une Nuit Sur Le Mont Chauve – Danse Des Esclaves Persa
M. Mussorgsky – Lithuanian National Philharmonia Symphony Orchestra – Boris Godunov
€15,00A1 Coronation Scene (Prologue, Scene 2) = Karūnavimo Scena 7:42 A2 The Royal Chamber In The Moscow Kremlin (Act II) = Caro Menė Maskvos Kremliuje 8:20 B1 Duet Of Boris And Shuisky. Hallucination Scene (Act II) = Boriso Ir Šuiskio Duetas. Haliucinacijų Scena 10:43 B2 Boris’ Farewell And Death (Act IV, Scene 1) = Atsisveikinimas Su Sūnumi Ir Boriso Mirtis 10:16
Mussorgsky – Greatest Hits
€14,00Pictures At An Exhibition A.1 Promenade A.2 Gnomus A.3 Promenade A.4 The Old Castle A.5 Promenade A.6 Tuileries A.7 Bydlo A.8 Promenade A.9 Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells A.10 Samuel Goldberg And Schmuyle A.11 Limoges, The Market Place A.12 Catacombs (The Roman Sepulchure – Con Mortuis In Lingua Mortua) A.13 The Hut On Fowls’ Legs A.14 The Great Gate Of Kiev B1 Prelude ‘Khovantchina’ B2 Night On A Bare Mountain B3 Intermezzo B4 Dance Of The Persian Slaves